Friday, February 1, 2008

Blog Resolutions

Four days to go…

I’ve already said it (or you might have noticed it), I like to make lists. I also like resolutions… I believe that writing goals/objectives down helps you keep them. So here are my blog resolutions.
1) Include minimum 3 pictures for each blog. The only exception to this rule is if internet speed is dreadfully slow and won’t allow me to upload pics easily.

2) Keep blogs interesting and not bogged down by personal details. I won’t promise there won’t be any slip-ups; what’s a resolution without slip-ups?

3) Don’t obsess too much about food. This will be hard. I love food, but there’s already very good food blogs out there. I will allow myself to discuss food occasionally.

4) Don’t whine. That’s hard. I’m a whiner by nature.

5) Write regularly. Let’s say at least once a week. While I have something interesting to say that is.

6) No more pre-trip blogs. Because this is pretty boring and breaks resolution #2. They’ve been more practice than to inform/entertain.

Feel free to let me know if you think I’m breaking any of these resolutions.

1 comment:

Jonathan and Rachel said...

Anyhting brewing over there... almost Valentine's day over here! I am off myself today for 16 weeks in Australasia! Maybe I will catch you guys in Vietnam sometmie in May... :)
