Monday, September 1, 2008

Say No to Drugs

I got the scoop about the death in my alley. It was not a homeless, old person as I thought. Rather, it was a young man in his early thirties. As my landlady put it, he died of ma tuy (drugs) or SIDA (AIDS). I'm not sure whether she means both or one of them. I think some Vietnamese people associate one with the other.

I am not sure if drugs are a big issue in Vietnam. According to the ads I see on the streets, I would assume it is a serious issue. I don't really have anything to say about this because I honestly don't know much. I've heard heroine is one of the popular drugs here, but I can't confirm this.

Say "KHONG" (no) to drugs.

Drugs can kill.

A sign that associates ma tuy (drugs) with AIDS.

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